Katja Hofmann by katja-hofmann

Katja Hofmann

Researcher at Microsoft Research Cambridge, UK


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Importing WordPress Content in Jekyll

I’d like to keep some of the content from my WordPress page. Luckily, there is a Jekyll importer that can convert content. It does require a local installation of Jekyll, so let’s set that up first.

My setup: I’m running Bash on Ubuntu on Windows, so hopefully Ubuntu instructions will work without any changes. This is a blank slate, so let’s start with the basics. RubyGems installation instructions are from RubyGems on GitHub:

sudo apt-get install ruby-2.4 ruby2.4-dev
# install rubygems from source:
git clone git@github.com:rubygems/rubygems.git
cd rubygems/
git submodule update -\-init
sudo ruby setup.rb
sudo gem install jekyll

Next up is jekyll-import + WordPress specific dependencies:

sudo gem install jekyll-import
sudo gem install hpricot
sudo gem install open_uri_redirections

Now all that’s left is to follow the instructions from Jekyll Importer - WordPress.com. The result: my previous posts are converted and added under _posts. Let’s commit, push, and see the result.

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